
Creating a Learning Culture

By Martin Schaeferle | February 28, 2013

url-11The better informed the people who work in your business are, the better they will be able to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. This is true in almost all work environments, but is especially true when it comes to IT departments, who are constantly having to master and learn new technologies before they have totally figured out an older program or system they are working with. Due to the speed at which technology moves these days, those within IT departments often find themselves overwhelmed by the amount of new information they have to digest in a short amount of time.

This can often slow down the department and, in many cases, the business as a whole. One great way to keep this from happening is to create a learning culture, one in which the employees of the IT department are interested and used to learning new programs and systems on a regular basis, as part of their jobs. Regular tutorial sessions may be one of the best ways to accomplish this. Video tutorials are incredibly effective, as employees can watch these on their own time or as a group. These can range from Visual Studio 2010 tutorial videos to video tutorials for C#. Courses can also be offered to employees free of charge as part of work requirements!

In fact, tutorials are offered for just about every IT department program out there, so theoretically a business could create an easily accessible library of this information for their employees to access on their own, whenever they need it. The information you make available and the more employees are encouraged and even paid to learn more about their trade, the stronger the learning culture will be at your company. When this is the case, everyone will be educated for just about any challenge work throws at them and will be easily able to overcome it.

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Martin Schaeferle

Martin Schaeferle has taught IT professionals nationwide to develop applications using Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP, and XML. He has been a featured speaker at Microsoft Tech-Ed and the Microsoft NCD Channel Summit, and he specializes in developing Visual Basic database applications, COM-based components, and ASP-based Web sites. In addition to writing and presenting technical training content, Martin is also LearnNowOnline's vice president of technology.

This blog entry was originally posted February 28, 2013 by Martin Schaeferle