Windows Server 2012, Part 5 of 6: Share Access and Group Policy

with expert JC Mackin

Supporting shared folders or printers is in some ways the most basic job of an administrator. That reason people might overlook some of the details that can accompany printer share information not to mention of the details that might appear on the exam. Group policy is a powerful feature that lets you configure literally thousands of client’s settings from a central location. You could argue that Group Policy is in fact the main reason why so many organizations use active directory to manage their networks, and that’s because, being able to centrally control computer and user settings without having to write any scripts is an enormous benefit for IT departments. Now group policy is a vast topic but are strategy in this course is to cover what you need to know for the exam as efficiently as possible. And what you need to learn becomes manageable if we focus on what’s most important.

Beginner | 2h 8m | January 17, 2014

Windows 2012Windows Server

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JC Mackin

JC Mackin (MCSA, MCSE) is a writer, analyst, and trainer who has specialized in Windows networks since Windows NT 4.0. He has authored or co-authored more than 10 books about Windows administration and certification, including many Microsoft Training Kits and the Exam Ref for Exam 70-417.

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