Exploring Docker: Benefits of Containers

with expert Philip Wheat

There tends to be a lot of confusion surrounding what exactly Docker is but, put simply, it’s a fairly new and continuously rapid-evolving web technology. Explore the possibilities of what Docker is, how to best fit it into your DevOps operations, and some of the potential it offers for your development environment. While the content in this course is current as of recording (following DockerCon 2017), the rapid evolution of the technology can cause some information contained in this course to be superseded by the time you complete the course. So, as with any other technology, it’s imperative to stay up-to-date on the newest changes, news, and updates to ensure your training can remain as relevant as possible.

Beginner | 2h 24m | August 01, 2017


Course Outline

Philip Wheat

Philip Wheat is an industry veteran who has been active in the computer industry for over 20 years. With experience stretching back to the beginnings of the PC era, he has remained active on the leading edges of technology, focusing on embedded systems, knowledge management, and sensor technologies. He is one of the few who has worked with SharePoint since the original beta, has built his own microprocessor, and has had robotics projects featured in the press and TV shows around the world.

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