
Leveraging Tools, Modules and JSON Within Python 3

By Brian Ewoldt | December 23, 2014


"There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded Mosquito." This is a quote from the Mosquito Hunters skit on Monty Python's Flying Circus television show. So what does this quote have to do with LearnNowOnline's new Python courses? Well nothing...except for the fact the programming language Python was named after Monty Python's Flying Circus. See my earlier blog post on this topic For our latest Python 3 courses, we have enlisted the help of Python Head Jordan Hudgens. I don't know that he is a Python Head for sure, but Jordan is the instructor for our Ruby courses, and now he is sharing his Python experience with us. But before I get to our new titles, I want to recommend that if you are new to Python, you begin with our series of Python courses with Peter Thornsteinson:

Once you have taken this first set of courses, or if you have a basic level of Python knowledge or experience, our new series of courses is for you. It is just like a moth hunt, "Well, I follow the moth in the helicopter to lure it away from the flowers, and the Roy comes along in the Lockheed Starfighter and attacks it with air-to-air missiles." Well, not really, but here is a brief description of the courses.

NEW - Python 3: Programming Tools In this course you will learn about some of the most important tools a Python 3 developer can use for advanced implementations. You will be introduced to high level concepts of various classes and techniques, and close each section with a practical, code-driven example of how you can leverage these techniques in daily development. Specifically, this course will start with an introduction on iterators and generators, followed by regular expressions, introspection, lambda functions, metaclasses, decorators, and more. See course outline or watch the trailer:


NEW - Python 3: Modules, JSON and Algorithms In this course you will learn how to leverage popular libraries and modules in your applications. This is a vital tool for any Python developer, as modules can save you a significant amount of time by providing powerful functionality that isn't natively built into Python 3. You will also learn how to integrate with third-party APIs to connect with other software in your own applications. You'll learn about metaprogramming in Python, an extremely powerful technique that can give you the ability to modify a program's structure at runtime. Then you'll learn how Python interacts with XML and JSON objects, including an initial look at the structure of XML and JSON, how to generate XML and JSON objects, and how to parse XML and JSON feeds. You'll also get a broader look at the implementation of complex algorithms. See course outline or watch the trailer:


After completing these courses, you'll be ready to program with Python...and "Wherever there is a challenge, Hank and Roy Spim will be there ready to carry on the primordial struggle between man and inoffensive, tiny insects." Yes, another pointless quote but you get the idea.

This blog entry was originally posted December 23, 2014 by Brian Ewoldt