
Can you hear me now?

By Martin Schaeferle | September 05, 2012

As mentioned in one of my previous blogs, there are four learning styles that we cover in our online courses. These styles are:

  • Visual
  • Aural
  • Read/Write
  • Kinesthetic

In general, people use many learning styles, with 34% using all four of the above styles and 62% using more than one style. Today, I'd like to talk about the importance of Aural or Auditory learning as used in technology online training. Studies have identified the Auditory learning style as being used by most learners to some degree.

If you learn well by utilizing Auditory functions you likely are good at:

  • Writing responses to lectures you've heard.
  • Oral exams.
  • Effective listening to those in lectures, speeches or sessions.
  • Identifying speech patterns.

To get a sense of how important using an Auditory learning style is, I have included a clip of our training from our online training tutorial "ASP.NET Using Knockout.js: Bindings, JSON and Functions." Play it for awhile and watch and listen. . . then turn your sound off and see how critical the Auditory style is for you to be able to effectively learn a new technology.

Food for thought:

To succeed as a developer you must know and understand what your result should be, plan your direction on how to get there and use the right process with the right technical ability to build your application. Success comes from knowing how to write effective and efficient applications, which requires you use the right training / reference material to get up to speed in the technology you are using. Will "just any" training material work?

My opinion is that you will only succeed if you use training material that best fits your learning style and covers all learning styles.

  • How much do you learn through the Auditory learning style?
  • Do you use tools to help you learn efficiently and effectively?

Martin Schaeferle

Martin Schaeferle has taught IT professionals nationwide to develop applications using Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP, and XML. He has been a featured speaker at Microsoft Tech-Ed and the Microsoft NCD Channel Summit, and he specializes in developing Visual Basic database applications, COM-based components, and ASP-based Web sites. In addition to writing and presenting technical training content, Martin is also LearnNowOnline's vice president of technology.

This blog entry was originally posted September 05, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle