SharePoint 2013 Administrator, Part 1 of 5: Installing

with expert Philip Wheat

In this course we’re going to go over the process of planning your SharePoint implementation. We’ll walk you through the process of identifying the server topology, considerations around virtual or physical servers, hardware and software requirements and how to lay out deployment phases. We’ll also take a look at how to use planning checklists and sheets from the SharePoint team to ensure that you have full planning coverage and the information you discover remains with you through the project.Then we’ll look at the process of installing SharePoint. This will help you ensure you have all of the correct requirements for SharePoint and are installing the appropriate parts for the appropriate topology. We’ll help you work with installs from Single Server evaluations to large scale farm deployments and from fully onsite to full cloud options. Once your server is deployed, we’ll also look at the process you should use to upgrade any existing SharePoint data from your current environment to the 2013 generation – and point out the changes and concerns with moving from SharePoint 2007 and 2010.

Intermediate | 1h 53m | November 11, 2013

SharePointSharePoint Administration

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Philip Wheat

Philip Wheat is an industry veteran who has been active in the computer industry for over 20 years. With experience stretching back to the beginnings of the PC era, he has remained active on the leading edges of technology, focusing on embedded systems, knowledge management, and sensor technologies. He is one of the few who has worked with SharePoint since the original beta, has built his own microprocessor, and has had robotics projects featured in the press and TV shows around the world.

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