Ruby on Rails, Part 3 of 5: Data, Design, and Deploy

with expert Jordan Hudgens

In this course we will review all of the available data types utilized by the ActiveRecord module, how to configure relationships between tables, adding and removing columns, and how to perform database migrations. One of the best ways of connecting to a database in Rails is the Rails console. It's especially adept at showing if relationships are setup properly in an application and the Rails console allows for quickly analyzing how methods will interact with the data. Next we will deploy our application to the web by leveraging the Heroku platform, including the production confirmation requirements and having it display your application properly. Then we will be walking through a number of key features of our application, including how to add design and style elements into our program by integrating the Twitter Bootstrap framework. After integrating some style elements we will build out two major features for our CRM program: a file uploader and a file downloader.

Beginner | 1h 46m | October 27, 2014

Web DevelopmentWeb FrameworksRuby/RailsWebAPI

Course Outline

Jordan Hudgens

Jordan Hudgens has certifications for Ruby on Rails, Thinkful; Ruby on Rails,; Front End Development, Thinkful; and AngularJS, Thinkful. He is currently vice president of engineering for TRACKR in Midland, Texas and is working on his PhD in Computer Science from Texas Tech. In addition to Ruby, Jordan works with PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Postgres, CSS3, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, and Python. He also works with the frameworks Rails (Ruby), Zend (PHP), and Django (Python), plus the libraries AngularJS, jQuery, and Backbone.js.

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