Spring Boot, Part 1 of 4: Getting Started

with expert Bharath Thipireddy

Spring Boot is an opinionated instance of a Spring application allowing rapid application development platform. It uses various components of Spring, but has additional functionalities. This course covers how to setup and get started with Spring Boot. It covers installation, basics and your first Spring Boot project.

Beginner | 1h 2m | September 01, 2019


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Bharath Thipireddy

Bharath Thippireddy is an entrepreneur, software architect, public speaker, and trainer. Bharath is a Sun Certified Developer, Web Component Developer, Business Component Developer, and a Web Services Developer. While working for companies like Oracle, HP, TCS, Siemens, and NCR; Bharath has architected applications using Java, JEE, JavaScript, and SOA technologies. He loves learning new things both in technology and personal development and shares them on YouTube and his web site - Sharing is learning!. He has mentored students in classroom trainings, as well as in the corporate world, both in India as well as in USA. He has spoken on technical topics at several agile conferences. While in India he also voluntarily teaches interview and soft skills at Vivekananda Kendra.

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